A Room with a View

I feel like I have been a bit out of touch lately and I suppose I could say I have been busy or what not. Maybe so. But I have also been thinking about mom a lot lately, and her birthday. Today. Ever since she moved to Westminster, I tried to visit her on her birthday. I always wanted to celebrate that with her. So I have felt a bit empty this winter, knowing I was not going to see her this year. I always got her flowers, always stargazer lilies. They weren’t necessarily her favorite (her favorites were whatever we sent), but they were so fragrant and would fill up her apartment with a wonderful aroma that took away the winter chill and said spring is just around the corner. So I bought lilies yesterday to fill up my house with that aroma, to remind me of mom. She used to tell me how much she she missed her mother, even after all those years, especially around her birthday. I never fully understood. Until now. Happy birthday momma.