Silver Prints Are Durable Things

Silver Prints Are Durable Things

A gallery dealer I worked with many years ago recently contacted me to say she had all this stuff of mine she wished to return. We haven’t worked together is almost 15 years. What could she have? But she came by my studio, which she had never seen, and brought this wealth of my history of working with her for…
An Audience of One

An Audience of One

I make images of what makes me feel good, always have. Commercial photography is about problem solving and meeting budges and clients expectations. Making art for me is about fun and exploration or as simple as witnessing a beautiful piece of light illuminate an ordinary street sign. It has always been about the simple act of discovery. I can’t worry about what…
Dreaming of Paris

Dreaming of Paris

It is interesting to have a glimpse into the life and thinking of a 17 year old young man these days. So much going on, so many possibilities. Like you, I was fascinated with art at a young age, 6 to exact. I wanted to work at Disney Studios and draw Bambi. As I grew older, I wanted to be…
Air Quotes

Air Quotes

Sounds like a goofy event, but then such things always are. The closest thing I  have ever done to a gig like that was a recognition conference for WaMu back in 06 I think. It was awful and the only job I ever got fired from. But then I wanted to be fired. Oddly enough, I got canned for being…