I Ain’t Done Yet…

Well I should call it a day and head out for that terrible commute of mine, but I am still working on this lovely condo. 2 more bedrooms to do. And I have to go back for a garage shot and exterior of the building…maybe a lobby shot too. Can you say fun…

So to amuse myself I work on the shots I take that I am pretty certain the client won’t use. Just to play. Just to appease my sense of creativity, if I may call it that… Whatta ya think?


I saw this and thought it might be cool to try and make an image that connected the floors. Just a study in shapes, forms and light and color, though in this case some what artificial color. Yes that one wall is bright green and the rug bright red. But the blue cast is daylight and the yellow light is tungsten. They play well together I think. Other wise the walls are white, the floors concrete gray. What it needs is a blurred figure in the space below, to provide some visual tension, to break the static nature of the architectural form. Or maybe it just needs to go into the waste bin…