Sounds like a goofy event, but then such things always are. The closest thing I have ever done to a gig like that was a recognition conference for WaMu back in 06 I think. It was awful and the only job I ever got fired from. But then I wanted to be fired. Oddly enough, I got canned for being too slow… But the WaMu big kahunas were slime balls. You may recall that WaMu or Washington Mutual was the largest bank failure in US history in 2008, and the leader in sub prime loans and the biggest cause of the recession. They took a lot of folks down with them and the slime balls only got a wrist slapping. Even though the gig was in Hawaii, I spend most of my time in a windowless room staring at a computer monitor, dolling my prom pictures. I felt slimy because I was even part of the gignormous waste of corporate excess. At one of the talks, the head slime ball welcome the crowd to the big auditorium so they could cover the business portion of the event…as he raised his arms to insert the air quotes… He said he would be brief, so they could go swim with the dolphins. I had a huge fight with the guy who hired/fired me over fees. Fortunately I still had my rep to mediate. The thought of it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not because I got fired, but rather I got a first hand look at the coming storm but had no idea the damage these guys were about to cause. Where’s that way back machine when you need it?
My big event for the day is a Google headshot. And then a massage. Still working on getting sprained ankle back to more or less normal. I have a couple Google gigs this week, which means I officially am having a busy week. Insert air quotes here… Then off to swim with dolphins later, then maybe another massage…