More or Less a Luxury

Just saying hello. I have been thinking of sending you a note for a while now, but I have been sooo busy with absolutely nothing. But your post of FB of your garden prompted me to drop everything and say hello. I hope you are well. Your garden looks wonderful and I can see why you would never want to leave. Did you move forward on the reverse mortgage plan? I have been doing a number of house projects this past winter. Mostly little stuff, like new kitchen counter top and bathroom vanity and other small projects. My check list of things I would do anyway before I sold the house but would like to enjoy the newness now. Not that I plan to move anytime soon, it just seemed like a good time to do some updates. I am even  considering renting out my back yard studio. But not until summer and to a friend. He needs a cheap place while he works through some debt issues and I could use some help around the house. It would be     short term, but give me a chance to see what it’s like to not have a studio. Frankly, that is the tough issue for me. Giving up the studio. I know I am largely retired now, and the studio is more or less a luxury, but still it’s another step in the process of stepping away from my professional life. Last fall I handed off my     strobe lights to my web guy. At Christmas, I gave away some of my old film cameras. The slow process of letting go of the tools of a life I worked so hard to build. So it goes, eh? Life moves on.