Died Laughing

Died Laughing

I also found these old photos. Some you have maybe seen. Our grandmother Mabel. Our great grandparents and even our great great grandparents. Did Mabel ever tell you the story about her father Rufus (what a great name) and how he died laughing? Playing checkers at a family gathering after church in August of 1932. My mother told me the…
True Craftsmen

True Craftsmen

I lived in Washington DC before moving to Seattle. I worked for an interior design/architectural firm as a graphic designer. I had a strong interest in photography, so they had me document their work. I sort of learned on the job. When I left that company, I was fortunate to get an assistant’s job with one of the top shooters…
Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

I am impressed with your art making. While I have a million ideas in my head and materials to create multiple works, I have only done one. My cradle boards are 2” deep and probably not as cheap as yours, but I still find them affordable. I think the biggest hurdle I am facing is fear of failure and creating…
If I Had Only Wore a Mask…

If I Had Only Wore a Mask…

Your plan for hiring scouts in Scotland sounds wise. I have only done that for assignment shoots, though one time in Yorkshire I hired a driver to tour us around the Dales looking for monastery ruins. I mostly did it because I didn’t want to drive a stick shift car on the left side of road. Plus, I knew he…
Box Seats

Box Seats

Yes turning 70 brought on a lot of thought for me too. It truly felt like the time to quit working, unless you’re running for president or some other political office. But it brought on more reflection than turning 50 or 60. And yes, a big look back at the journey I have been on. And while I don’t have…
How do I Want to Spend my Time?

How do I Want to Spend my Time?

Wow, you retired young. 911 actually gave my business a boost. Art buyers saw smaller budgets for photo services and turned to stock photography as a cheaper alternative to commissioned work. That’s where I was positioned at the time. What killed my industry, or at least changed it, was the rise of digital. Suddenly everyone with a camera and a…
And I Will be the Only One Who Does

And I Will be the Only One Who Does

As for exhibitions, I have done hundreds of them, literally. Especially when I was represented by various galleries. So, I know the drill. And that’s what scares me. I have many, many leftover framed prints in my basement to remind of the effort it takes to mount an exhibition. So, I really have little desire to seek out a big…
Weird Techno Stuff

Weird Techno Stuff

I am having to send virtual cards to a few folks this year as my old Mac Pro died last week and my database of names and addresses was on it. So, I have purchased an old, refurbished Mac Pro to take its place. In theory, we swap the drives from my old machine, and I am back in business.…
Life’s Journey

Life’s Journey

We don’t do much for Christmas and New Year’s. Sometimes we have friends for Christmas dinner, but this year I am thinking dinner for two. Often on New Year’s Eve we would have a little gathering by the fire, and I make something special like gumbo or if I am lazy, chili. Something you can eat by the fire. I…