Still Haunts Me

Thank you for the nice little note. Made me feel good. And I appreciate it. I was a little concerned when I was putting all those prints together to send out that I might look  like I was dumping stuff on you all. Just cleaning out my drawers. I have so much, I just wanted to share. And I have sooo much more. It has become this big job now to organize it somehow and be sure things are identified and put in order of some kind. There are major piles of things to deal with. As overwhelming as it feel sometimes, I feel, none the less lucky to have had such nice life in the world of photography. It is not an industry that many folks get to succeed at. And yet I have. And you are right, we all have, in our own ways. I am very busy right now with making head shot of folks from Google. Simple job, but I get to meet cool people. Last week I was working with a gentleman of French/Canadian/Lebanese descent and we got to talking about Paris. It started when he was saying about how he didn’t like having his picture made and that he had lost his hair, he is 35, and was much better looking when he was young. I told him to hold that thought for another 30 years and then he could reassess how he looks now. I said I always did pictures of myself, regardless of how I think I look, that I want the record. I know my attitude will soften over time. I showed him a photo of me I made in Paris in the spring of 1999. That lead to talking about working there, being there. I mention you and that you had offered me tickets to the French Open tournament that was going on at the time I was there. I told him I said I was too busy and passed. He looked at me incredulously and said “you passed up tickets to Roland Garros???”. When you are young you  think there will be another opportunity. Not always. That still haunts me.