If I Had Only Wore a Mask…

If I Had Only Wore a Mask…

Your plan for hiring scouts in Scotland sounds wise. I have only done that for assignment shoots, though one time in Yorkshire I hired a driver to tour us around the Dales looking for monastery ruins. I mostly did it because I didn’t want to drive a stick shift car on the left side of road. Plus, I knew he…
Couldn’t Wait to Leave

Couldn’t Wait to Leave

Just saying hey. Has the dust settled in the aftermath of your show? Any new insights? Are you busy with holiday plans? No big plans here, just hanging out at home. I might fire up the grill for a change. We used to grill out all the time. With charcoal no less. We have a gas grill we never use.…
You Can’t Save Them All

You Can’t Save Them All

I went looking for an image to add to my website. I was working on the Humans folio and wanted a color portrait from the 1990s. I thought of the sessions I did in Paris in May of 1999. I also thought of Rose, one of the models I worked with. I think she was a dancer. She had a…
What am I looking at?

What am I looking at?

Portrait Pro software is pretty cool, especially when you do as many headshots and portraits as I do. It is a very simple way to give skin tones the spa treatment. I think it works better too, with women than men for some reason. Maybe because smoothing out men’s skin is not so fashionably desired as smoothing out a women’s…