Just another Room with a View

Just another Room with a View

On a recent pleasant summer day in the San Juan Islands, I found myself making real estate images of a very lovely property with an amazing view. Besides the usual architecture photos of rooms, I roamed around the grounds through beautiful gardens and wooded areas. I started to think about the role of the photographic image in the process of…
Independence Day

Independence Day

Like many 4th of Julys in Seattle, it is cool and gray at the moment. But there is the promise of sun latter. A year ago this week I was in Ohio, visiting my mom. She had just got out of the hospital and was in rehab. It was a tough week. She wasn't doing very well, though we had…
Because it looks like Science

Because it looks like Science

I have a field day in science labs. All kinds of beakers and test tubes and hand written notes and formulas on white boards and note pads. After the portrait session is over with the science guys, I get to make pretty pictures that say, important things happen here. Or not, maybe they are just pretty pictures. But they are…
Rome, a beginning and an end

Rome, a beginning and an end

From 2007 to 2011 I spent late August to early September in the very hot and muggy city of Rome. My mission was to teach photography to design students from the University of Washington. I tried to instill in them my love for the medium and encouraged them to explore the rich cultural landscape of Italy, and make pictures that…
In a Garden

In a Garden

It has been a very nice spring this year so far. Mostly warm, less rain, more sun. And the garden thrives. It is not a big space, or particularly special.But it is a space of my creation and a source of great pleasure. Not just because I creative it, as I had lots of help, but because you can see…
Fresh Faces

Fresh Faces

On recent trip to Washington State University, I had the opportunity to spend the day with bright young, scholarship students and help tell their stories. It was a beautiful day in the Palouse, with big clouds and big dreams.


A beautiful region in eastern Washington of lush farmland. Isolated and overlooked, this landscape was formed millions of year ago by the Missoula floods. Barren and treeless, but in spots, ten feet of topsoil. Wheat and potatoes are big crops here, with most of MacDonald's french fries starting out life here. But a dream like landscape for photographers.
Let’s Make a Deal

Let’s Make a Deal

We had this TV game show here once, called Let's Make Deal. A contestant was chosen from the audience to compete with contestants.They were usually dressed in a stupid way, holding some stupid thing, all screaming pick me, pick me. Once plucked from the masses, the host would ask for the stupid thing in exchange for what was on the…