Based on a True Story


Hey Sarah,

I thought of you today, several times actually, on rather diverse levels. But all intertwined. I was reading the paper this morning and a section fell out that spoke to holiday planning and food. One such foodie tidbit was cheesy little shortbread crackers. And I thought of Susan and the CSF holiday get together that won’t happen this year. I thought about not seeing you and Chris. Then later in the day I printed Place des Vosges from Paris for a Christmas present for a friend and thought how lovely that print looks in your home and how I could recall the moment I made that image. It was a cool and damp morning in early autumn and the only other person in that park with me was Carter. It was a most amazing moment, though at the time I hardly realized it. It was just a moment, there would be more, right? This afternoon I went to the movies with Carter to see “Philomena”. I wanted to see “ The Book Thief”, but I hate going to movies alone and since I want to see anything Judi Dence is in, I opted to see that film with him, his first choice. It is a fine piece of film making and it resonated with me on so many levels. Thus I highly recommend it. But you have already probably seen it…or at least read the screen play…. I lastly thought of you and your struggles to break into Hollywood and crossed my fingers and wished you great things. Only great things….