The View From Sisko Gallery

On that note, my day here is making prints and cutting mats for my Portfolio III, The Digital Era, 2004 to 2018 project. Just a feel good thing to give me a sense of accomplishment. Then, this afternoon, garden work. The weather is amazing right now and yesterday we took a little road trip to the little town of Maltby to go to Flower World. A very cool nursery I have wanted to visit for years. We collected a few more plants and with any luck, our little backyard garden will be in place by the end of the day. Then a friend is coming to visit, have dinner and pick up a print he purchased from me. This image I made many years ago that he  had seen and always liked. I like it too, as it brings back warm and fuzzy feelings. It was March and I had just stepped out the door of the Sisko Gallery from an opening there. It was twilight and the ancient neon globe of the Seattle Post Intelligencer lit up the sky. So I snapped a few shots with my iPhone. I later played with a couple of frames and merged them. One of the cars in the street and the other of the generally over all view. A few tweaks in photoshop and a couple of small prints later here we are. I put it aside and went on to other things. Kind of forgot about it. But now the Sisko Gallery is gone and I rarely venture into that neighborhood any more. But my friend always commented on that image whenever we were looking through prints. He finally offered to buy a print if I would make it big, like framed at 30×40″. So I did and glad I did too. I like it, and it reminds of that evening at the gallery, and of a time when photography wasn’t one of the worse jobs in America.