If I Had Only Wore a Mask…

If I Had Only Wore a Mask…

Your plan for hiring scouts in Scotland sounds wise. I have only done that for assignment shoots, though one time in Yorkshire I hired a driver to tour us around the Dales looking for monastery ruins. I mostly did it because I didn’t want to drive a stick shift car on the left side of road. Plus, I knew he…
An Interesting Journey

An Interesting Journey

My work has always evolved as my interests changed. The only constant is the camera. And even that changes. Thou not fundamentally. I began to move toward digital around 2000 when I had my first Iris ink jet prints made. They were largely copies of my darkroom prints, just bigger. But color began to slip in as well. I began…


Entering the cold dark days of winter. I feel tired a lot. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Long walks help. But there's a lot of waiting. Waiting. And more waiting. When asked how I am doing, it really hard to say exactly and the only word that comes to mind is weary.
What am I looking at?

What am I looking at?

Portrait Pro software is pretty cool, especially when you do as many headshots and portraits as I do. It is a very simple way to give skin tones the spa treatment. I think it works better too, with women than men for some reason. Maybe because smoothing out men’s skin is not so fashionably desired as smoothing out a women’s…