The Boy Next door

My Mac Studio has arrived. So has the key board and mouse. But no monitor yet or external drive. So for now I can only look at the box. Apple says the monitor might not arrive until the first week of August. So for now I will still kick around this old machine. I had a cousin visit last week for a few days. He’s an actor and was on his way to Vancouver to do a work shop about a new play he has written and stars in. I first photographed him when he lived in Seattle briefly back in 2010. I now photograph him every time  he’s in town. He’s grown up a lot and is no longer the boy next door. Now he’s the brooding, tormented young man. I have a feeling the photographer had something to do with that.But it gave me a creative break. I really like doing portraits, especially in my studio, with available light. I am intimately familiar with the light that streams in my window that facies south and what is the best time of day and best time of weather and even the best time of year to work withit. It is nice to have one element of my work constant and knowing I can always rely on it to illuminate whatever subject I happen to be working with. It is also nice at my age to not have to reinvent the wheel every time I pull out my camera to make images.