The Road Ahead

The last day of of 2020. New Year’s Eve is usually a day of reflection for me. I was never one for the big parties, watching the ball drop and toasting the new year and this case a new decade. But rather I always stayed close to home and reflected on the previous year and pondered the road ahead. This has been a very strange year and one I will be glad to see in the rear view mirror. The pandemic has effectively retired me from the world of commerce. But retirement may have come anyway, just not so abruptly. I did get a new website launched, and that alone is a big accomplishment. It needs some work yet, but still, it is up there and out there. In the past I would always look back and see my accomplishments as some kind of bench mark, a sign that I was, in fact moving forward and not just spinning my wheels. I was never one to make goals or resolutions for the new year, but rather I would wonder what the future might bring. And just let it happen. This year is different however. It marks a radical change in not only my life, but most of fellow citizens. I am not only wondering what in store for me, but what is in store for humankind…