On February the first, 1984, I arrived in Seattle. 35 years ago today. I had always wanted to live on the west coast, and had a fondness for Seattle, having visited here several years prior. I thought I might live here for a few years and then drift back east to be closer to family and old friends. But as the years went on, the more in love I became with the Pacific Northwest and here I am. I have often thought about the trials and tribulations that have brought me to this point and the different paths I have journeyed down to get here. What an interesting voyage it has been. I recently imagined my older self having a conversation with that wide eyed young man upon his arrival in Seattle all those years ago. I would give him the highlights and maybe a few lows of what was to come. I am sure my younger self would be amazed, surprised and probably dumb founded. I would allow that young man to ask three questions about what my life would be like in my older age. It would not be about fame and fortune but rather quite simply, Am I happy? Am I healthy? And am I where I want to be? Without hesitation, the elder me would say yes. No further details would be necessary, my life could remain an act of discovery.