Weird Techno Stuff

I am having to send virtual cards to a few folks this year as my old Mac Pro died last week and my database of names and addresses was on it. So, I have purchased an old, refurbished Mac Pro to take its place. In theory, we swap the drives from my old machine, and I am back in business. It seems weird to invest in old technology to stay current, but I really have no choice. Many of the applications and peripherals are too old to migrate forward. Like my scanner. Without it, my wall of film, most of my life’s work, is just so much inaccessible source material. Yes, there are scanners still being made I could purchase, but none as good as the Imacon I have. The database can be brought forward in some form, but I don’t want it on my phone in the form of Apple contacts. My techie will sort it out. I also have a data base for my prints. Where I am in the edition, where a print sold, where a print is now living. Like with a dealer or in my archives. The information won’t be lost, but my ability to access it may be. I just hope the new/old machine works and will carry me far into the future. I don’t know what made my old machine die other than lack of use. It had been powered up constantly since 2010 without so much as a hitch. Weird techno stuff happens, eh?