I Hated Being in Front of the Camera

In June I made a list of summer projects. While I think technically I have 3 weeks to go before summer’s end, I always think of Labor Day as the end of summer. Or maybe that just when they closed the pool in Grandview. None of my projects are complete, about 5 or 6 of them, but all are in various stages of something… The scanning of family film project got bigger when I discovered the box of film from the 1960s. All just piled in a box, no labels, and being negatives, no way to clearly see what I was looking at. And I was not about to scan several hundred negs just to see what they were. So I down loaded a cheap iPhone scanning app that allowed me to put the film on a light box, and scroll over the negs with my phone and see the images in positive form. So at least I could tell who faces were. But even before that, I separated the bad exposures and the multiple boring images. Like how many pics do you need of kids lined up in front of the fireplace with Halloween costumes or Christmas stockings? Even then I ended up with maybe another hundred images to scan. And good luck trying to identify them accurately. I came across this cub scout image and thought you might like to see it. I was hoping that mystery kid in the center was you, but no such luck. Any idea? The others you must recognize I am sure. Funny, even then I hated being in front of the camera.