I Ain’t Done Yet…

I Ain’t Done Yet…

Well I should call it a day and head out for that terrible commute of mine, but I am still working on this lovely condo. 2 more bedrooms to do. And I have to go back for a garage shot and exterior of the building...maybe a lobby shot too. Can you say fun... So to amuse myself I work on…
O The Market

O The Market

As we now enter that precious time of year in the Pacific NW called summer, those of us who live here say yes... this is why we live here. We endure the cloudy, wet days, because we know the gods of weather will give us a sweet, but short period of great beauty. A time where we can enjoy long…
Our House 9 May 2014

Our House 9 May 2014

I often just poke around the yard and make pictures to show what it looks like in a given moment of time. Springtime is always a nice time, with things growing and color everywhere. it is interesting to see photos taken over time and see how the garden has evolved. And sometimes it is just a nice place to sit…