Our House

Our House

Colors are starting to perk up. I have a feeling they will be off this year due to the summer heat and drought.  A lot of trees seem to be going straight from greenish to brown. Not the usual burst of color. But then our colors don’t usually peak until the end of October. We often have color into the first…
Hear Yourself Think

Hear Yourself Think

On a less existential note… we dined out last Friday for the first time. It was kind of nice. At 50% capacity, you could actually hear yourself think and carry on a conversation. Carter had his usual martini, but for health reasons, they couldn’t do a twist. Only a lemon wedge, sliced with gloved hands, handled only with tongs. I…
And the Little Dog will be Happy too

And the Little Dog will be Happy too

Hey, I thought you might like these. I do this thing called OurHouse, where I grab the camera and run around the house, the studio, the yard and just document it. No cleaning up, just snap shots of what things look like. I do it about 3 or 4 times a years or when ever. I did this last week,…