Dreaming of Paris

Dreaming of Paris

It is interesting to have a glimpse into the life and thinking of a 17 year old young man these days. So much going on, so many possibilities. Like you, I was fascinated with art at a young age, 6 to exact. I wanted to work at Disney Studios and draw Bambi. As I grew older, I wanted to be…
Still Haunts Me

Still Haunts Me

Thank you for the nice little note. Made me feel good. And I appreciate it. I was a little concerned when I was putting all those prints together to send out that I might look  like I was dumping stuff on you all. Just cleaning out my drawers. I have so much, I just wanted to share. And I have…
Instant Grafitication

Instant Grafitication

My whole career has been bouncing between the worlds of commerce, fine art and academia, with the commercial work paying most of  the bills, with teaching keeping me engaged, and my fine art feeding my soul. Always had galleries, exhibitions and enough sales to pay for my habit. But my commercial work specialized in black and white, so I was…