Posted inCelebrations Odds and Ends Ohio Portraits Selfies
Noodling around in my archives of film, I am trying to decide what to trash and what to preserve. I find little ditties like this. It was spring of 1976, in the final days of college at the University of Cincinnati. My best friend Mark Giambrone and I were about to head out into the world. So to commemorate the occasion…
Dreaming of Paris
It is interesting to have a glimpse into the life and thinking of a 17 year old young man these days. So much going on, so many possibilities. Like you, I was fascinated with art at a young age, 6 to exact. I wanted to work at Disney Studios and draw Bambi. As I grew older, I wanted to be…
Still Haunts Me
Thank you for the nice little note. Made me feel good. And I appreciate it. I was a little concerned when I was putting all those prints together to send out that I might look like I was dumping stuff on you all. Just cleaning out my drawers. I have so much, I just wanted to share. And I have…
Posted inarchitecture Odds and Ends Seattle Selfies
The Bigger View
I do enjoy the cash flow, don’t get me wrong. But I have to ask myself if it is worth it? I also am beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel, and know that there is more time behind me than there is ahead of me, so how do I want to spend that time?
Posted inOdds and Ends Seattle Selfies Uncategorized
Instant Grafitication
My whole career has been bouncing between the worlds of commerce, fine art and academia, with the commercial work paying most of the bills, with teaching keeping me engaged, and my fine art feeding my soul. Always had galleries, exhibitions and enough sales to pay for my habit. But my commercial work specialized in black and white, so I was…
What Would I Say to My Younger Self?
What would I say to my younger self? The youthful me image was taken in Athens, Ohio in the Fall of 1982 when I was a grad student. the older me image was last week (by Connie Wellnitz) at Google in Fremont. I would probably tell my younger self to relax…enjoy the ride. It is nothing like you think it is…
Posted inOdds and Ends Ohio Portraits Selfies
Immaculate and Deadpan – Athens, Ohio 1982
John, I hope these arrive safely. I would rather ship prints flat, but with tubes, they are safer and cheaper to ship. this is why I confirmed your snail mail address. I don’t know if you remember this shoot I did at OU in the fall of 1982, but it was a small project I did with one of dead…
Posted inPortraits Seattle Selfies Uncategorized
Have you Recently Retired?
I went to the IMA at the University of Washington recently to renew my gym membership. The young woman at the desk took my ID, swiped it and pondered her computer monitor for a moment. She then walked over to another person at the desk and asked him a question, he plugged some numbers in his computer and they chatted…
Posted inOdds and Ends Portraits Seattle Selfies
It’s Just a Piece of Paper
The events of the past few months has made me wonder the value of my work. I suppose the short answer is, whatever someone will pay for it. But can the value be quantified in mere terms of dollars and cents? There is sentimental value, there is historic value, there are kinds of ways to value things. But the flood…