Your Work is Boring

Your Work is Boring

When I taught, loosening up a student was taking away their controls that they were so comfortable with. One assignment I recall was shooting from the hip. They weren’t allowed to look through the view finder. They had to point and shoot, preferably from an unusual angle. There was this element of surprise. In film it could be quite wasteful…
Distant Past

Distant Past

It was a good talk. Only one student, but 3 teachers. So it was a good thing. Had lots of samples to share, and lots to talk about. It felt good. Revisiting my distant past. I thought the most difficult part would be handing over my precious photo papers and chemicals that I have been saving for over 30 years…
But This Will make it Real

But This Will make it Real

I saw your FB post this morning about your print shop and it reminded me of something I forgot to tell you in my last email. I am doing a dog and pony show about lith printing in a couple of weeks at Inglemoor High School. They have a very progressive art teacher who exposes his kids to all kinds…
Sense of Freedom

Sense of Freedom

How did you last event go? Generate any interest or sales? This coming Saturday is the opening at SAM of the 50th anniversary of the Gallery. It will an interesting show and include works from every artist they current represent. It is a bit of shame they didn’t seek out the artists who once there, but got kicked to the curb…


Barney recently had an infection that left him wearing the cone for a couple of weeks. With antibiotics and care he came thru fine. But at 12 years old, I see him more vulnerable and slowing down. He is still cute and lively, but I can't help but wonder how much more time I will have will him. He is…
Curtis v. General Dynamics

Curtis v. General Dynamics

This is a story about the theft of one of my photographs that ended up in a copyright infringement lawsuit. It was an interesting journey that taught me a lot about the American legal system. It taught me something about the ethics of the photo industry. It also taught me perseverance and a solid belief in what’s right and what’s…
An Interesting Journey

An Interesting Journey

My work has always evolved as my interests changed. The only constant is the camera. And even that changes. Thou not fundamentally. I began to move toward digital around 2000 when I had my first Iris ink jet prints made. They were largely copies of my darkroom prints, just bigger. But color began to slip in as well. I began…
Often Like a Snapshot

Often Like a Snapshot

8 September 2023 Artist’s Statement for The Seattle Art Museum Gallery My work is about the act of discovery. As a photographer, I usually respond spontaneously and intuitively to the world before me. It may be in response to light, weather conditions or some curious arrangement of the man-made landscape. Much of what I do is very much about capturing…