A Mysterious Roll of the Dice

A Mysterious Roll of the Dice

Hey man, how are you doing? And yes, that image is reminiscent of my earlier work, probably because it is my earlier work. That angel was in a cemetery in Hannover, Germany and taken in the spring of 1999. I was shooting only film then, obviously, and still working with my usually stuff. Infrared film, Widelux camera, almost all black…
A Sign of Progress

A Sign of Progress

After 75 years University Seafood is closing. I wasn't a regular customer, but I did go there occasionally for mussels, a Christmas goose or capon. I often passed by the store on my walks through the University District. I loved their neon sign and the fact they had been around so long. But times change and sooner or later all…
I was Here

I was Here

I have always had a burning desire to make photographs. Even now, after almost 40 years. I love everything about the process, the seeing, the  discovering, then framing and ultimately capturing. And then in processing or as we now call it, editing, seeing if my little caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly. I have also always enjoyed seeing the ordinary…
Summer Falls Power Plant May 1985

Summer Falls Power Plant May 1985

Check this out. The film was incredibly clean and scanned like a charm. I forgot to ask you what size you wanted, so this probably bigger than you need. I hope it doesn’t make your email box explode. If you need me to resize, let me know. I am sure this is the money shot, as it is the only…
Seattle in Winter

Seattle in Winter

While the midwest braces for brutal winter cold, the daffodils are getting ready to bloom in the northwest. I have always liked winter here, perhaps because I grew up in Ohio and lived through many, many cold winters. It is always mild here and snow is somewhat rare. It is a more civilized winter that allows me to take long…
Rhythms and Rituals

Rhythms and Rituals

Everyday I walk my little dog Barney, through the neighborhood. And most days I see the little old Japanese man with his big white dog. We don't talk much, but usually say hello. It is a nice part of my day, to connect with other dog people and just enjoy being out in the fresh air. I have become quite…