Particularly Magical

Particularly Magical

Hi,  Got your text and saw your FB post this morning. Neither are my preferred method of communication, so I write from here. I am glad you are finally reading Four Seasons in Rome. Charming little easy read. According to Amazon I bought  my first copy in September of 2007, right before I went to Rome for my first time.…
What am I looking at?

What am I looking at?

Portrait Pro software is pretty cool, especially when you do as many headshots and portraits as I do. It is a very simple way to give skin tones the spa treatment. I think it works better too, with women than men for some reason. Maybe because smoothing out men’s skin is not so fashionably desired as smoothing out a women’s…
Dub Me Brilliant

Dub Me Brilliant

Hey John, Pure and simple, your replacement is probably cheaper. I know the loss stings, it is hard to compete when it all about the bottom line. I am slowly losing my last UW client, largely due to costs. The U hired a couple of full time photogs a few years ago and have been encouraging the schools and departments…
Divert to Paris

Divert to Paris

I tend to save ticket stubs and other bits of ephemera, like boarding passes. Not collect them really, but rather stuff them into pockets of whatever coat or jacket I may have been wearing at the time and leave them there. Last week I was wearing my black linen jacket on a photo shoot and when I went to put…
Then You Remember Why it Came to an End

Then You Remember Why it Came to an End

Just saying hello,   Seems like forever since we chatted. Everything ok in you world? Lavelle asked me about processing some photos and said they were working with a different designer. That you had things to take care of. Is everything ok? I hope so. We last chatted around the time of your sister’s death and I hope the sadness…