Is He Dealing with a Full Deck of Cards?

Is He Dealing with a Full Deck of Cards?

I thought of you over the weekend too. I always wake up to the radio every morning, except Sunday to NPR. I particularly like Saturday morning, with Scott Simon. This past weekend, as I am sure you know, he interviewed Mike Mitchell about his Beatles work. It was a good interview, nice to hear Mike’s voice and what he had…
To be in Paris

To be in Paris

Any plans for New Year’s eve? Carter is making a gumbo, and maybe my artist friend will come for dinner...or not...he can be vague and flakey at times. In fairness, though, he runs a gallery and has an opening on Thursday that I am expected to attend. So he may be rather busy. Plus he doesn’t have a car these…
Because it’s What I Do

Because it’s What I Do

Tyler, Thanks again for the beautiful prints. They really are special. But this print making stuff is kind of like a drug to me. There’s that initial rush that you get when you first produce them, and then the crash when I realize that probably no one cares but me, and have I wasted time and materials. I never used…
Based on a True Story

Based on a True Story

Hey Sarah, I thought of you today, several times actually, on rather diverse levels. But all intertwined. I was reading the paper this morning and a section fell out that spoke to holiday planning and food. One such foodie tidbit was cheesy little shortbread crackers. And I thought of Susan and the CSF holiday get together that won’t happen this…
Perhaps I am insane

Perhaps I am insane

Or I just have too much time on my hands. It started with SAM and Jody’s request for new work.  I gave her 3 prints of Japanese Koi. One I had a print, 2 copies of it in fact. But when I went to look for them, they were hiding and not together either. Being a big prints, I have…
Now and Then…Turning 60 – Part 2

Now and Then…Turning 60 – Part 2

I recently acquired my high school year book portrait taken in 1970. Back then the portrait studio made black and white prints and hand painted them, as that the norm of the day. The poor man's color portrait, as I always called them, since they were cheaper than color processes of that time. The irony is, that, if made properly,…