9 September 2013

9 September 2013

Nicolette, So nice to meet with you yesterday and share my work with you. Had I known more about you, I might have prepared a different presentation. The fine art world has always been my passion, but it has been the worlds of commerce and academia that have supported that passion over the years. But it was a pleasant surprise…
Fundación Valparaíso

Fundación Valparaíso

Mel In Spain, summer 1994 20 years ago today I step off a plane in Madrid in a jet lagged stupor. I had never traveled abroad and it was all so foreign to me. And to think it almost didn't happen. In 1993, the then directors of Fundación Valparaíso were visiting their son who lived in Seattle at the time. To…
Space Cruise

Space Cruise

Richard,I guess news travels fast. It would be great to see you if you can make it. I plan to wear my Widelux around my neck as a bit of a homage to John. I can’t recall when I last saw John, but it was after I had closed my darkroom in 2006 and before I handed off my 2nd…
Because Life is a Journey

Because Life is a Journey

I was checking out my Facebook news feed today and saw one of those sill tests people post. What kind of animal are you? What kind of artist are you? What is your favorite food type? What city should you live in?  Then you answer about 10 generic dumb questions and voila... you are stereotyped. But I did do this…
Our House 9 May 2014

Our House 9 May 2014

I often just poke around the yard and make pictures to show what it looks like in a given moment of time. Springtime is always a nice time, with things growing and color everywhere. it is interesting to see photos taken over time and see how the garden has evolved. And sometimes it is just a nice place to sit…
Return to the Palouse

Return to the Palouse

I returned to eastern Washington this spring almost a year to the day later then my last trip. It was still a tad wintery and the light was a bit hazy. Yet this landscape would shine in most any light I think. I am still in awe when I look upon it. The vastness, the emptiness. The shear beauty of…
Laughed until Tears came out of my Eyes

Laughed until Tears came out of my Eyes

You see, here in lies the problem. You show me two beautiful images, professional in every sense of the word. They are well seen, well crafted, and well, just beautiful. But you are a professional architect, I am professional photographer. What's wrong with this picture? I am doomed here... I don't suppose there are apps out there that allow me…